Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sadie, She has an sister who looks just like her. Her mom said they are "Pin up Girls"
Giant Schnauzer.
Council Crest

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Pinky loves to die her hair she lives in South West Portland, and wants to be a beautician


Seda is an Australian Shepherd.
Her most human like quality is her love for lounging at Barista Cafe in The Pearl and smelling the coffee

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Archie is a Portland Mutt; part boxer, lab pit bull, and German Shepherd.
He lives in Council Crest.
Favorite toy is a white ball.
Favorite food is peanut butter and cheese.
Most human like quality is he is soft and sensitive.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Street dog series on Glisan, in front of Trader Joes in NW
Part of the street dogs, outside of Food Front in NW on Thurman Street
My name is Banjo, I'm a joint custody dog living in SE and in North Portland. My most common nickname is Mr. Brown. My favorite past time is running in the woods and lounging on my front porch chair, my favorite snacks are anything from my neighbor Chuck, most beloved toy is Douglas, my stuffed animal dog. My dream vacation is an isolated lake in in the woods with lots of swimming and hiking. My human qualities are that I tend to eat to fast, I need my independence, and I whine when I want something. My biggest pet peeve is when people touch me when I'm laying down


I'm Tom My owner's name is Dieter. We are living in Portland for awhile, visiting from Italy where Dieter rescued me from A shepherd who was beating me. My favorite food is, well food, all food. My favorite toy is this blue ball and my favorite pass time is hunting wild boar. I am in The Council Crest neighborhood.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Zoe in Green sweater at Via Delizia

Hi I'm Zoe, I live in the Pearl district. I love my lime green sweater most of all. I love taking walks with my owner to via Delizia to get coffee