Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Most Human Quality: Jealousy

Favorite Toy: Someones shoe, while they're wearing it.

Favorite pastime: Boating

Favorite Food: Fruits and vegis


Most Human like quality: She is very nurturing.

Favorite food: Hard cookies

Favorite pastime: Playing with chickens

Favorite Toy: Pull Toy

Most Human like quality: He knows time, looks at the clock at his three meal times and knows that it's time to eat.

Favorite Pastime: Hiking

Favorite Food: Trader Joes Crunchies

Favorite Toy: Stuffed cheerleader

P.S. Mom loves him so much that she had him tattooed on side.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


SW Dog

Favorite Toy: Balls

Favorite pass time: Playing chase

Most Human like quality:He smiles

Monday, July 16, 2012


Bethany village dog


Favorite food: cookies

favorite Toy: Little stuffed Cow

Favorite pass time: Digging

Most human like quality: Sleeping with his head on the pillow
Bethany village dog

Favorite pass time:Sucking on his toy  duck

Favorite food: Bones

Favorite toy: 3 Year old duck

Most Human like quality: Attached at the hip to his owners, (130 lb lap dog.)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Yoyoyogi dog
Favorite Food: steak and rice with pasta sauce.

Favorite pass time: Shavasana

Favorite toy: Stuffed Rudy dog

Most human like quality: spooning

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


I met Pancake while hiking up on Beacon rock in the gorge.

Most human Like quality: afraid of heights, they had to carry him down and he cried at the top of his lungs.