Saturday, April 27, 2013


I met Rocket on Mississippi today with owners boyfriend, who was clearly in love, look Rocket is on the table at Amnesia.

Most human like quality: He's a mischievous boy with a deep soul.

Favorite pass time: Being a small dog in a big world.

Favorite toy: Stuffed rabbit, (Beagle)

Favorite food: Doody, any doody.

Friday, April 19, 2013


Most Human Like Quality: Twirling and dancing.

Favorite food: He's a foodie, but loves lamb bones from the butcher.

Favorite Toy: Stuffed squirrel 

Favorite pass time: Snuggling

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Favorite pass time: Macerating my chewy toys.

Most Human like Quality: I am Deaf so  I read peoples expressions.

Favorite food: Pumpkin treats