Monday, December 18, 2017


Favorite Food: Bananas

Favorite toy: Santa squeaker

Favorite pastime: Taking naps

Most human like quality: Her smile.

Friday, October 6, 2017


Favorite food: cheese
Favorite Toy: Anything squeaky
Favorite pastime: Barking at squirrels and napping.
Most Human like quality: She's soulful

Thursday, September 21, 2017

  Pom Pom (Pommie)

Favorite toy: chew toys

Favorite food: chicken

Favorite pastime: Exploring the world and using it as a toilet.

Most Human like quality: He's a control freak, Loves to be in charge.

Monday, August 14, 2017

      (As in Abbey road)

Favorite food: Treats and beef

Favorite Toy: Food

Favorite pastime: Eating, she's aging

Most Human-like quality: She watches T.V.

Saturday, July 29, 2017


Favorite Food: Dog food
Favorite Toy: Chuck and ball
Favorite Pastime: Getting lost in a meadow.
Most Human-like quality: Loves to spoon.

Friday, July 21, 2017


Favorite Food: Salmon
Favorite Toy: A shark toy that my hand fits into like a puppet.
Favorite Pastime: Sunbathing like a gigantic cat.

Most Human-like quality: She's kind of a bitch.

Favorite Food: Deli meats and cold cuts.
Favorite Toy: Alien plush doll.
Favorite pastime: Backpacking.
Most Human like quality: She's condescending.

Friday, July 14, 2017


Favorite food: Chicken.

Favorite Toy: Cats.

Favorite pastime: Watching horses.

Most human like quality: She talks a lot.

Favorite Food: Chicken.

Favorite Toy: Kong with treats inside.

Favorite pastime: Riding in the car.

Most Human like quality: He's sensitive. 

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


Favorite Food: Anything humans are eating.

Favorite Toy: An occasional tennis ball to play soccer with.

Favorite Pastime: Making large infinity signs on the beach, running as fast as I can.

Most human like quality: He's a great listener and the best friend anyone could ever ask for.

Monday, June 26, 2017


Favorite Food:Canned and dry food mixed together.

Favorite Toy: One winged Bee 

Favorite Pastime: LOVES to walk.

Most Human like quality:She hugs.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

       Sally Sassafras

Favorite Food: Treats, especially cheese.

Favorite Toy: Sheepee, a squeaky stuffed sheep.

Favorite Pastime: Chasing her tail.

Most Human like quality: Likes to take naps.
(Intentionally spelled this way)

Favorite food: Bacon

Favorite Toy: Squeaky Ferret,

Favorite Pastime: Sleeping

Most Human like Quality: Extremely manipulative.

Friday, June 23, 2017


Favorite Food: Chicken because steak is to expensive.

Favorite Toy: My owners hand.

Favorite Pastime: Hanging out at bike races.

Most Human-like Quality: Likes to Smoke weed.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Lily Marlene

          Lily Marlene

Favorite Food: Anything and everything that's put in front of me.

Favorite Toy: Fingers and toes.

Favorite Pastime: lying on a pile of anything.

Most Human-like quality: Likes to make out.

Favorite Food: Everything that is grain free.

Favorite Toy: Oversized stick

Favorite Pastime: Playing and running on McGuire island.

Most Human like quality: Thinks he is a human and relates more to people than he does to dogs. 

Monday, June 5, 2017


Favorite Food: Raw food,  small batches of turkey.

Favorite Toy: Bunny (Stuffed animal)

Favorite Pastime: Snuggling

Most Humanlike Quality: Sleeps in

Notice Dolce"s tongue, "It's a senior moment!" Mom said.